Kampec Dolores: Sitting On The Buffalo CD


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“This Hungarian band was formed in 1984 and this is their fifth release. Kampec Dolores means ‘The End of Pain’ in a personal language made up from bits of Yiddish and Latin. Singer Gabi Kenderesi has developed her own wordless singing, using unknown languages and innovative vocal pyrotechnics; imagine traditional Hungarian singer Marta Sebestyen reincarnated as a new wave punk. Meanwhile the guitar, bass and drums thrash out haunting mutated melodies, which also draw on traditional folk idioms. Effects enable guitars to masquerade as zithers, and the mix swims with bubbling electronics. And then there are the sensational interjections from soprano saxophone and violin, which caterwaul and cajole. At times we are guests at an east European wedding celebration, at times bystanders at a Turkish bazaar. And then we could imagine ourselves in a somewhat seedy new wave bar in Budapest, witnessing one of the finest bands around working up an intense head of steam.” (Forced Exposure)