Skullflower: This is​.​.​. CD


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This was greeted with complete mystification when released, being decidedly non-riffy. More than 20 years on from release, it seems a logical step in the flow of UK underground output that spawned Sunroof!, Vibracathedral, Jazzfinger, et al. It’s a good deal less intense than recent Hototogisu and SF output that’s had all dials set to “annihilate.” The music here is an authoritative re-working of some of the ideas that first surfaced on their Argon CD (released by Freek). The modal structures and experiments with bowed instruments and horns that surfaced on that record are redefined and sharpened in terms of sound quality and execution, providing an extremely fulfilling listen for both the SF acclimated and the novice alike. The 40 minute “The Pirate Ship Of Reality Is Moving Out” was recorded live to DAT at a concert with Richard Youngs on extra guitar, and is the only vintage SF live recording of such high fidelity.