Tomutonttu: Hoshi CS


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Hoshi is the 7th album by the worldly Kaakinmaa based sound producer Tomutonttu. This compositional endeavour began with foggy intuitions about freed people in swings, house plants in hanging baskets and people being brought up by wild monkeys.

Tomutonttu has been dealing with questions perhaps romantic by nature. Maybe my songs are farming music after all? What does my computer think about my music? Did electricity smell different in the 1980s compared to now? Other smells that could be related: the aroma of amok jog, the bottled scent of a pet shop. True players know the special perfume called studio sweat.

From a cycle to the next one, we are all ex-babies dreaming about autumnal mud puddles. Hoshi was made in a confused dialogue with machinery and code. It was born effortlessly and sometimes scary fast. Hoshi’s dark is that of a troll’s pocket filled with holes, or the inside of a flute. The album might be better suited for night time listening than any other Tomutonttu music.