Jussi Lehtisalo: Rock Boat CD


Harsh noise Hill Street blues wall or its Swedish, self-explanatory counterpart jaktplanrock.

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It’s hard to decide whether the ultimate value of Jussi Lehtisalo’s 8th full-length solo outing lies in its startlingly clear but throughly unorthodox musical vision – kilometres ahead of nearly anyone else’s game – or the ingenious solution it offers for downscaling the volume of future, carefully composited record collections to a veritable 50 % of what up to now has been the norm. In presenting any discriminating consumer of modern music with the factual prospect of simultaneously enjoying both a pleasant bath of soul-tinged, Rhodes-heavy easy listening and being sonically sand-blasted by face-melting harsh noise, each of them evenly distributed over the precise same span of time, off just one(!) record Lehtisalo is able to not just bench-mark a whole new level of proficiency in genre-wise crossover, skillfully combining styles hitherto seen as polar oil and water opposites, but also manages to offer a noteworthy solution for allowing enthusiasts of sound worldwide to double their music-free family time, as the emulgated ingenuity of Rock The Boat’s easy yacht noise flute absorbs only **half** of the time normally spent preoccupied with blank-staring from the sofa, in your hi-fi’s exact sweet spot.

File under: Harsh noise Hill Street blues wall or its Swedish, self-explanatory counterpart jaktplanrock.